Page 683 - index
P. 683

                                             IN 2023

                 1. Health and community health care

                 As  of  31  December  2023,  there  were  185  health  establishments  in  the
           province, including 21 hospitals (including health centers in district/town/city),

           5 regional polyclinics, and 159 health stations at communes, wards and towns.
           There  were  4,836  patient  beds.  The  number  of  patient  beds  per  10,000
           inhabitants in 2023 was 32.1 beds.

                 As of 31 December 2023, the number of health staff was 5,504 persons,
           of  which  employees  in  the  medical  sector  were  5,072  persons,  taking  up
           92.2%; employees in the pharmaceutical sector were 432 persons, accounting
           for 7.8%. The number of doctors per 10,000 inhabitants was 8 persons in 2023.

                 The prevalence of malnutrition (height-for-age) among under-5 children
           was  10.8%,  fell  by  0.8  percentage  points  compared  to  that  in  2022;  the
           prevalence of malnutrition (weight-for-age) among under-5 children was 7.2%,
           decreased by 0.4 percentage points.

                 2. Living standard
                 In  2023,  the  monthly  income  per  capita  at  current  prices  was  4,364.4
           thousand VND, up 12% compared to that in 2022; the rate of multidimensional

           poverty  households  in  2023  was  2.4%,  decreasing  by  1.6  percentage  points
           compared to that in 2022.

                 3. Social order and safety

                 In  2023,  in  Binh  Dinh  province,  there  were  533  traffic  accidents
           occurred, including 146 traffic collisions and 387 traffic accidents of at least
           less seriousness. Compared to that in 2022, the number of traffic accidents in
           2023 increased by 26% (an increase of 110 cases).

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