Page 674 - index
P. 674

Number of under-5-year children
               Rate of under-5-year         of weight-for-height malnutrition
              children of weight-for-  =                                       × 100
              height malnutrition (%)      Number of weighted and measured
                                                 under-5-year children
                 The  reference  population  of  the  WHO  is  a  group  of  children  whose
           health,  weight  and  height  develop  normally.  The  weight  and  height  of  such
           children are used as a benchmark to assess the nutritional status of children at

           the same age.
                 Percentage  of  children  under  1  year  old  fully  vaccinated  is  the
           percentage between the  number of children under 1  year old vaccinated  fully
           (orally) with all types of preventive vaccines as prescribed by the Ministry of
           Health to total number of children under 1 year old in the same reporting period.

                 Number  of  people  infected  and  died  of  HIV/AIDS:  HIV  infected
           people are those who are detected by health offices to be infected with a virus

           that  causes  immune  deficiency  (HIV).  AIDS  is  an  immune  deficiency
           syndrome in the final stage of HIV infection in human body. People died of
           AIDS are those who die as the result of AIDS. People who are infected with
           HIV/AIDS  often  get  disease  simultaneously  and  die  of  differently  serious
           diseases, which are recorded as deaths of HIV/AIDS.

                 CULTURE, SPORTS

                 National  cultural  heritage  is  a  spiritual  and  material  product  with
           historical, cultural and scientific value of Viet Nam that has been passed down
           from  generation  to  generation.  National  cultural  heritage  includes  intangible
           cultural heritage and tangible cultural heritage.

                 Number  of  sport  medals  gained  in  international  competitions
           includes gold medals, silver medals and bronze medals that athletes won in the
           officially annual international elite sport tournaments, excluding achievements

           of athletes achieved in invited events. Officially annual international elite sport
           tournaments  include:  World  Games  (Olympic  Games,  champion,  young
           champion);  Asian  Games  (ASIAD,  champion,  young  champion);  Southeast
           Asian Games (SEA Games, champion, young champion).

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